
Category: Blended Learning

The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Student Agency and Google Classroom

Welcome to Digital Backpack! In our first Digital Backpack cast, we chat with Traci Smith, a high school English teacher at De La Salle. She

The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Engagement Hoopla

In this episode, Jeff and Erin chat with Emily Sicilia about engagement in the classroom. They explore how to define classroom engagement, and chat about Hoopla, an app Emily shares that has changed their reading lives!

Paper letter with "The End" written on it, with a broken paper heart next to it
Blended Learning
Erin Luckhardt

An Open Letter to “Sit and Get” PD

My old friend — When I first started teaching, it was always you holding my hand. You were there for my first conference. Since the beginning, you’ve set my expectations for what professional development should be like. This may be difficult to hear, but it’s time for our relationship to end.

3 men climbing a mountain. All three are helping eachother climb.
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Power With, Not Power Over

In this episode, Jeff and Erin chat about the concept of “power with vs. power over” — inspired by a recent book study of Jim Knight’s High-Impact Instruction — and host a great interview with the always amazing Val Capel.

Godfrey-Lee Public Schools Rebel U Shield
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Live Episode @ Rebel U

In this episode, Jeff shares some audio from a recent teacher professional development session on podcasts, then Jeff and Erin chat about using classroom experience to shape professional learning.

Anchor in Sand
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Anchors Away!

In this episode a podcast about … podcasts! Jeff and Erin discuss a cool tool for recording podcasts and how teachers might think about using podcasts in the classroom.

Devices showing FlipGrid
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Flipgrid & The Great Chicken/Egg Debate

Jeff and Erin share about Flipgrid and how they dig using it with students and teachers alike, then ask: what comes first, the technology tool or the learning?

Podcast: Sharon Murchie
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Putting Students in the Driver’s Seat

After a summer hiatus (or a summer full of professional learning opportunities with teachers), we’re back! In this episode, we chat with Sharon Murchie, a

Spacious Classroom
Blended Learning
Jeff Gerlach

Physical Spaces

Designing the physical classroom to accommodate modern learning

Campfire Podcast: Rachelle Wynkoop
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Talking Marginalia with Rachelle

Thanks so much for tuning into the show and checking out the show notes! We appreciate YOU! In our 5th episode, we got into some

Campfire Podcast: Erin Mastin
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Failure-free Failing

As we get deeper into our podcast adventure, we are feeling fortunate to have the opportunity to converse with fantastic educators and get a glimpse

Campfire Podcast: Ben Rimes
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Shirley Temples With Ben

Show notes from this week’s campfire: We got off to a good start by revisiting the hot dog/sandwich conundrum. We shared how we are majorly

Campfire Podcast: Sandy Freeland
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Talking About, and To, A Wonder Woman

The weather outside is feeling especially blustery, so come on over to our campfire for some great conversation. This week we launched our second episode

Campfire Podcast: Ben Pineda
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Getting Wizer Just P-Cuz

The weather may be snowy and cold, but our campfire’s keeping us warm! This week we launched our first “official” episode of Campfire with special

Campfire Podcast Announcement
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Chubby Bunny Teacher Challenge

Bust out the s’mores, it’s time for a CAMPFIRE! It might be a little chilly to gather around a campfire this time of year, but

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