
Category: Instructional Design

Christa Green

Effective Practices in Professional Learning Course Design: Course Content

Based on direct input from learners via end-of-course survey data, Michigan Virtual’s Instructional Product Development team gleaned the effective practices outlined in this blog in order to improve their course development and better meet the needs of the educators whom they serve.

illustration of people sitting around a table sharing ideas
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Instructional Leadership: Supporting Online Teachers

Supporting your online teachers seems like it should be easy, but what do they really need? Where should you start? In this article, we explore what it means to be a good instructional leader and give you some guidance as to how you can get started.

Michigan Virtual

The Hidden Heroes of Successful Online Courses

Last month, our team discussed key systemic program supports for K-12 online learning based on the National Standards for Quality Online Programs released by Quality Matters

The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Student Agency and Google Classroom

Welcome to Digital Backpack! In our first Digital Backpack cast, we chat with Traci Smith, a high school English teacher at De La Salle. She

Understanding Engagement in K-12 Online Courses: Part Two

Authors Andrew Vanden Heuvel, Michigan Virtual Kristi Peacock, Michigan Virtual Kristen DeBruler, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute Anecdotal evidence from course designers and Michigan Virtual School® (now known

Understanding Engagement in K-12 Online Courses: Part One

Anecdotal evidence from course designers and Michigan Virtualâ„¢ instructors suggested that some students were not fully engaged with their online course materials. There was a commonly held belief by instructional staff and designers that some students were picking and choosing which assignments to do and only did the minimum required to get their desired grade. It was thought that some students were spending only as much time in the course as absolutely necessary, and even when in the course, not taking full advantage of all course materials.

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