Research Clearinghouse

Research Clearinghouse

The Research Clearinghouse houses over 1000 references to important research and publications in the field of K-12 blended and online learning.

About the Research Clearinghouse

This Clearinghouse is a collaborative effort led by the Aurora Institute and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute® (MVRLI®) to provide a repository of references to research articles and other publications from the field of K-12 online and blended learning.

This project has been made possible by generous financial support from Next Generation Learning Challenges and in-kind support from Aurora Institute and Michigan Virtual.

Optimize your experience

To optimize your experience using the Research Clearinghouse website, we recommend taking the time to look over the Getting Started Guide. This guide has helpful suggestions on improving search queries, selecting records and exporting records for use.

We hope the Clearinghouse provides users with an excellent resource to find and share research on K-12 blended and online learning. We welcome your feedback.

Sign up to receive our Quarterly Research Clearinghouse Newsletter

Four times a year, we send out a digest of published scholarship in the area of K-12 online and blended learning. Sign up to receive recently published articles — hand-picked by our Institute’s researchers.