
/ Michigan Virtual Student Policies

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity means that all work a student submits is created by that student and is their own original work. This means that:

This means that:

  1. The ideas and writing of others are properly cited using course specific standards including images used.
  2. Students submit their own work for tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance such as passing another person or student’s work off as their own.
  3. Students do not provide unauthorized assistance to others including sharing their work with others (including on assignment-sharing websites).
  4. Students in World Language courses interpret and produce written and spoken language without the assistance of online or print tools or other people unless expressly allowed by the online instructor.
  5. Students must produce work individually.  Group submissions are not permitted unless explicitly directed by the instructor.

Why is academic integrity important?

  • Michigan Virtual cannot recommend that students earn credit for learning material for which they have not demonstrated mastery.
  • Completing your own work allows for personal growth and development needed for future opportunities.
  • Students may be violating the law.

Each Student shall be expected to:

  • Abide by national, state, and local laws, as well as the Michigan Virtual policies.
  • Abide by local school policies as they may also be taken into consideration.
  • Respect the person, property, including intellectual property, and civil rights of others.

Academic Integrity Matrix