
Category: Blended Learning

LEGO Stormtrooprs
Blended Learning
David Young

The Force Awakens Your Classroom

The blended learning team challenged their colleague, David Young (Instructional Design Manager at Michigan Virtual), to channel his excitement for the release of the new

Toy figure of Batgirl
Blended Learning
Kelli Hixon

The All Too Often Neglected Teacher Superpower

Throughout my childhood, I had teachers I connected with in a way I will never forget, while others have faded in my memories. What is the extra “something” those teachers possess? I think I’ve finally figured it out.

Dingy old book
Blended Learning
Jamie DeWitt

Is Blended Learning a Fairy Tale?

  In Michael Horn (@michaelbhorn) and Heather Staker’s (@hstaker) new book “Blended,” blended learning implementation is examined and discussed. As the blended learning movement is

Playing Cards
Blended Learning
Jeff Gerlach

Teachers Trump Tools

We need to stop giving tools the credit for engaging our students and put the focus back on teachers.

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