
Podcast: Chubby Bunny Teacher Challenge

Campfire Podcast Announcement

Bust out the s’mores, it’s time for a CAMPFIRE!

It might be a little chilly to gather around a campfire this time of year, but we’d love for you to grab your coffee and get cozy while you listen to our FIRST Campfire Podcast (you may remember when we used to share our MyBlend stories — you can still check those stories out, too). We want to bring you a different style of education podcast that serves educators, administrators, tech coaches and anyone who has an interest in education!

Here are just a few of the things we mentioned in the introcast:

  • You heard about our “What We’re Digging” segment — we’ll share links to tutorials, classroom application ideas, and links to the site.
  • The label on the back of marshmallow package as a result of people playing Chubby Bunny:
  • #CampfireQ — What questions do you have for us? Are there topics you’d like to hear more about? ASK! You don’t even have to raise your hand, just hit us up on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Want to subscribe? Check us out on iTunes, Google Play Music and SoundCloud!

As always, our podcasts are created by using Zencastr — an amazing high-quality audio recording site!

Picture of The Digital Backpack

The Digital Backpack

The Digital Backpack, powered by Michigan Virtual, is a podcast dedicated to sharing tips and tricks for teachers as they navigate their journey through online and blended learning. Join the host Jeff Gerlach as he discovers new tools and resources for classroom use, talks to practitioners who are doing great things with their students, and has some fun!

The Digital Backpack

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