Table of Contents
Challenges: Impacts on students’ physical and mental health
- Incomplete knowledge of the comprehensive wellness needs of students and families
- High rates of unmitigated student mental health challenges, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, traumatic stress, racial trauma, and grief
- Decrease in physical activity
- Uneven distribution of work across school staff and caseload volumes that make delivery of timely, effective mental health and wellness services impossible
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Social-Emotional Learning: Creating a Professional Culture Based on SEL | Explore methods of self-care to better create a sustainable and culturally responsive SEL environment among staff and students | Educators | 6 | Free |
Social-Emotional Learning: Trauma-Informed Support | Discover how social and emotional learning can offer students skills to combat traumatic experiences and succeed academically. | Educators | 6 | Free |
Social-Emotional Learning: Introduction to SEL | Identify how to remove barriers to student success by embedding SEL across schools and districts | Educators | 6 | Free |
MEMSPA: Embedding SEL Schoolwide | Micro-Credential for school and district leaders:
Show how Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is embedded into your school’s learning environment and how it impacts academic achievement | School and District Leaders | 6 | $99 |
MEMSPA: SEL & Whole Child | Demonstrate the value of a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model that incorporates SEL in your school | School and District Leaders | 5 | $99 |
Challenge: Educator burnout, low job satisfaction, and high staff turnover
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Take Care of Yourself: A Course in Well-being and Self-care | Practice living your best and most balanced life while focusing on the five pillars of wellbeing. | Educators | 3 | Free |
Being a Reflective Teacher During a Pandemic | Develop skills to transform your mindset, prioritize your well being, and rediscover your “why” for being a committed teacher. | Educators | 3 | Free |
Moving Forward for District Teams & Teachers Workshop | We are happy to introduce a new practical workshop for teachers to help you prepare for the future. With so much to think about, where do you start? Don’t worry — our experts are here to help you move forward. | Educators, School and District Leaders | 3 | $10 – $25 |
Social-Emotional Learning: Adult SEL and Self-Care
** Coming soon | Educators will learn to prioritize self-care as part of their SEL practice and model SEL skills for the students with whom they work. | Educators | 2 | FREE |
MEMSPA: Comprehensive Staff Well-Being | Micro-Credential for school and district leaders:
Reap the benefits of implementing a staff well-being program in your school | School and District Leaders | 6 | $99 |
Resources for Families
Offering Title | Description | Audience | Cost |
Michigan Cares Program | Thanks to funding from the state of Michigan, we are able to provide Michigan families with FREE access to our Michigan Cares Portal. This online platform houses hundreds of lessons designed to help children in grades K-12 develop the skills required for social, emotional, and mental well-being.
**Available through Summer 2021
| Families, Students &
| Free to Michigan Residents |
Build a Comprehensive SEL Program for Student and Adult Well-Being | Join Carla Tantillo Philibert for a trauma-informed approach to social emotional learning that unpacks the “how to” behind effective school-wide SEL implementation. | Families,
| Free |
Challenge: Students with unfinished learning
- Students who receive core instruction (those in Tier 1), but may have gaps due to unfinished academic learning
- Students with significant unfinished academic learning (students in Tiers 2 and 3)
- Providing educators with professional knowledge and training that empowers them to address students’ unfinished learning and disengagement
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Distance Learning Playbook – Book Study | In this online book study, you will read, reflect, apply, and connect your learnings from the Distance Learning Playbook. | Educators | 7 + 5 | $60 |
Assessments in the Blended Classroom | Compare the benefits of different types of assessments and what will be most useful in your blended classroom. | Educators | 4 | $15 |
Online National Standards 3: Assessment | Explore the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching and Courses to measure student progress in your online classroom | Educators | 2 | Free |
Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing Learning For All | Review strategies and tips for guidance in differentiating instruction to meet all students’ learning needs. | Educators | 4 | Free |
Challenge: Engaging students
- Students who are fully disengaged from school
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Online Teacher’s Guide: Engagement | Explore methods and technology to engage students and develop connections in your online classroom. | Educators | 2 | Free |
Online Lessons with Littles: Engagement | Learn tips to help engage preschoolers through kindergarteners in online instruction. | Educators | 2 | Free |
Teacher Boost | Teacher Boost is a one-day workshop, targeted for busy classroom teachers who want to jump straight to practical implementation steps for student-centered, blended and online learning. | Educators | 6 | $50 |
EduProtocols Book Study | This online book study explores Marlena Hebern and Jon Corippo’s, The EduProtocol: Field Guide Book 1 and how to implement these strategies. | Educators | 5 + 5 | $60 |
MEMSPA: Leading Student Engagement | Assess the current state of student engagement in your building and design professional learning experiences to increase engagement. | School and District Leaders | 12 | $99 |
School culture and climate
- Perpetuation and exacerbation of inequities and disproportionalities, reinforcing barriers to educational opportunity for students of color and other marginalized populations
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Social-Emotional Learning: Integrating SEL into Culturally Responsive Classrooms | Learn how to improve your classroom culture and engagement as you integrate SEL on a daily basis. | Educators | 6 | Free |
Social-Emotional Learning: Equity Elaborations | Educators will gain knowledge and skills to implement SEL, ensuring equity is explicitly incorporated into learning opportunities. | Educators | 1 | Free |
Online National Standards 4: Meeting Needs | Recognize the National Standards for Quality that help you better meet students’ needs online. | Educators | 2 | Free |
Changing Minds to Address Poverty in the Classroom | Employ practical classroom strategies to combat the effects of poverty on learning. | Educators | 11 | Free |
Family and community engagement
Challenge: Strained school-district-relationships.
- Strained school-district-community relationships as a result of Covid-19
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Whole Child & Continuous Improvement: A Deeper Understanding (MI only) | Recognize the urgency in implementing the WSCC model, and connect WSCC to the Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process. | Educators | 5 | Free |
MEMSPA: SEL & Family Engagement | Micro-Credential for school and district leaders:
Demonstrate ways in which your school is successfully embedding SEL into family engagement practices | School and District Leaders | 6 | $99 |
Challenge: Lack of access to afterschool and summer programming.
- Lack of high-quality, accessible community-based afterschool and summer programming, and community schools
Offering Title | Description | Audience |
Guide To Setting Up Online Summer School Program | If you’re considering setting up an online summer school program in your school or district, this guide will help you think through the process to determine what will be required and how it will benefit your students and school community. | School and District Leaders |
Summer Learning with Michigan Virtual | This year, your children’s needs may be a little different. If you’re looking for ways to keep your children learning this summer with safe and structured educational opportunities, consider enrolling them in our online summer school programs | Students |
Challenges: Access to high-quality postsecondary pathways
Offering Title | Description | Audience | SCECHs | Cost |
Understanding the Modern Military | This resource-driven course will present you with information that will help in understanding an array of military career options and the education benefits that can support students in the pursuit of those careers. | Counselors | 5 | Free |
Career Counseling: Building a Resume | This course will show you how to advise students on creating resumes that are professional and in line with current hiring practices and industry trends. | Counselors | 10 | Free |
College Counseling: The College Selection Process
** Coming soon | This course will provide an introduction to theories and skills needed to work with students and families in the college selection process. | Counselors | 16 | Free |