
How to Build a Comprehensive SEL Program for Student AND Adult Well-Being

Join Carla Tantillo Philibert for a trauma-informed approach to social emotional learning that unpacks the “how to” behind effective school-wide SEL implementation. 

A 3-Part Webinar Series for Michigan Educators

Learn about best practices for supporting all students in every part of the school day, so SEL becomes an ongoing and overarching practice to be cultivated as part of school culture, rather than the occasional lesson, meeting, or check-in. 

Whether you are new to SEL or an expert in the discipline, Carla’s innovative approach will empower you to target using SEL to build both your own and your students’ self-awareness, regulation strategies, and relationship skills, so no student falls through the cracks. 

This 3-part series is for all school stakeholders, including educators, support staff, and administrators.