The Digital Backpack. Your Resource for Online Learning

Episode 35: Dallas Bell, Success Virtual Learning Centers This episode is the first of a series that MVLRI is undertaking to explore the use of online learning for credit recovery here in

Episode 34: Barbara Treacy, Harvard University In this episode, we’re talking with Dr. Barbara Treacy, an instructor at Harvard University and Digital Learning Consultant. Those two titles certainly don’t do

Campfire Podcast: Erin Mastin
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Failure-free Failing

As we get deeper into our podcast adventure, we are feeling fortunate to have the opportunity to converse with fantastic educators and get a glimpse

Episode 33: Bi Vuong, Harvard University

In this episode, we talk with Bi Vuong, the Director of Proving Ground at Harvard University. Bi gives us some details on how she and

Campfire Podcast: Ben Rimes
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Shirley Temples With Ben

Show notes from this week’s campfire: We got off to a good start by revisiting the hot dog/sandwich conundrum. We shared how we are majorly

Campfire Podcast: Sandy Freeland
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Talking About, and To, A Wonder Woman

The weather outside is feeling especially blustery, so come on over to our campfire for some great conversation. This week we launched our second episode

Campfire Podcast: Ben Pineda
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Getting Wizer Just P-Cuz

The weather may be snowy and cold, but our campfire’s keeping us warm! This week we launched our first “official” episode of Campfire with special

Campfire Podcast Announcement
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Chubby Bunny Teacher Challenge

Bust out the s’mores, it’s time for a CAMPFIRE! It might be a little chilly to gather around a campfire this time of year, but

Call for Presentations – SITE 2016

Proposals for presentations are now being accepted for the 28th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). The Conference invites

Gallery Walk Posters
Blended Learning
Jeff Gerlach

Teaching in Beta

My colleagues, Kelli Hixon and Stacey Schuh, regularly facilitate blended learning regional events across the state. In most cases, they’ve partnered up with intermediate school

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