The Digital Backpack. Your Resource for Online Learning

Upcoming webinar – Aug. 27

MVLRI’s inaugural webinar will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 27, from 2-2:30 p.m. EDT. For this inaugural edition of the MVLRI webinar series, the MVLRI team

Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended & Online Learning

With Michigan’s school aid act for the 2012-13 school year, the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, housed at Michigan Virtual University, was asked to create

Join the research community!

In order to keep up with everyone’s interests, foster collaboration between researchers who are working in the same area, and connect practitioners with researchers who

Where should I publish?

We have compiled a list of peer-reviewed journals that publish pertinent scholarship specific to K-12 online and blended learning. The list includes journal titles, publishers,

Exploring MOOCs for K-12 teachers and learners

Today’s post features one of MVLRI’s past Fellows, Dr. Rick Ferdig of Kent State, and his colleague, Dr. Kristy Pytash, also of Kent State. They

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