The Digital Backpack. Your Resource for Online Learning

Fuse Architects Take Off in 2017

What if the best way to make decisions about education technology starts off with not thinking about technology at all? This is the approach the

3 men climbing a mountain. All three are helping eachother climb.
The Digital Backpack

Podcast: Power With, Not Power Over

In this episode, Jeff and Erin chat about the concept of “power with vs. power over” — inspired by a recent book study of Jim Knight’s High-Impact Instruction — and host a great interview with the always amazing Val Capel.

Nikki Herta

How Effective is Online Learning in Michigan

Let’s be honest: Online learning in Michigan, as a whole, is in deep need of reform. Since 2010, the average pass rate for online courses in Michigan has hovered around 60 percent. Compared to the pass rate for traditional classrooms, this statistic has led some to condemn virtual schooling as a failed experiment.

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