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Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

How Implementing Voice & Choice Can Improve Student Engagement

Schools will look different this fall, there’s no doubt. However, the need to rapidly adopt virtual learning is no longer an emergency. We knew it was coming. So what can we do differently this time?

two children learning online in front of a computer
Online Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

District Plans for Shifting to Remote Instruction in Spring 2020

Should we go fully digital, use paper copies, or use a hybrid model? How will we assess the technology needs of our students? Should we arrange for meal pick up, delivery, or some combination? How will we manage and monitor student learning? How will we continue to meet the social-emotional needs of our students? These are just some of the questions that school leaders faced as they developed their plans for continued learning after school doors were shuttered for the year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lightbulbs with phrases inside, "innovation" "solution" "technology" etc.
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Student-Centered Learning at Fraser Public Schools

Competency-based learning. Asking kids to do things rather than know things. Designing learning for all. Just some of the ways in which at Fraser, learning drives innovation.

Photograph of several colorful doors
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Student-Centered Learning at FlexTech High Schools

Student-centered by design. Meeting kids where they are. Competency-based learning. Project-based curriculum. Just some of the ways FlexTech is giving students permission to choose rather than deciding for them.

illustration of communication in the online environment
Online Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Creating a Supportive Learning Environment for Online Students: Communication is Key

What does a supportive online learning environment look like? Administrators, parents, mentors, and teachers must work together and communicate effectively. While overlap in responsibilities is inevitable, each has a defined role in shaping an online learning environment conducive to student success.

Image of hand formed in the shape of a lightbulb against yellow background
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Student-Centered Learning at Hamilton Community Schools

Flexible learning options. Standards-based grading. Blended learning, teaching, and coaching. Just some of the ways in which “Each Will Thrive” at Hamilton Community Schools.

Online Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

LMS Selection and Implementation: Best Practices

What factors should schools and districts consider when selecting a learning management system (LMS)? What are the key processes that you should follow? What challenges and opportunities exist within the process? Where should you start?

Do Orientation Modules Contribute To Student Success In The Online Classroom?
Online Learning
Christopher Harrington

Do Orientation Modules Contribute To Student Success In The Online Classroom?

Dr. Chris Harrington has a conversation with three accomplished researchers (Erin Stafford and Jacqueline Zweig of the Education Development Center, Joe Freidhoff of Michigan Virtual) to discuss the details of their recent study focused on the impact of an orientation on the success of online learners.

Online Teaching
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Connecting Teachers: A Community of Practice

True collegial groups among teachers, in any context, still remain the exception and not the norm in many schools — especially for online teachers.

Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Student-Centered Learning: Catalysts for Change

Are there naturally occurring situations or circumstances in education that serve as catalysts, facilitating change and giving student-centered learning momentum?

Conversations on Continuity: Educators discuss the future of education in the face of COVID-19
Online Learning
Christopher Harrington

Conversations on Continuity: Educators discuss the future of education in the face of COVID-19

In this video, Dr. Chris Harrington talks to educational leaders from across the state and nation about the impact of the extended school closures on schools and districts. They compare the teaching and learning we’re experiencing today due to rapid shifts to remote learning models to what we know to be effective online and digital learning and discuss new opportunities on the horizon for schools and what we’ve learned during this emergency remote learning period.

Debbie Lynch

Mentoring Through a Pandemic

We are certainly living in uncharted waters right now. Who would have ever thought that we would be remote learning and teaching for the final

Online Teaching
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Why Online Teachers NEED Ongoing Professional Development

In our last post on instructional leadership, we touched on the issue of professional development (PD) and the necessity of providing online teachers with ongoing training, support, and PD. This post will expand on the critical importance of PD for new online teachers and ongoing PD for all online teachers.

The Digital Backpack

Podcast: SEL During a Pandemic with Lauren Kazee

In this episode, we chat with Lauren Kazee about the impact COVID-19 is having on our social and emotional wellness. We discuss what social-emotional learning

Illustration of the learning process
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

March and April Research Round Up

What’s new in the world of K-12 research on online, blended, and innovative learning? This month, we take a look at Michigan’s K-12 Virtual Learning Effectiveness Report and a recent edition of the Online Learning Journal.

illustration of people sitting around a table sharing ideas
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Instructional Leadership: Supporting Online Teachers

Supporting your online teachers seems like it should be easy, but what do they really need? Where should you start? In this article, we explore what it means to be a good instructional leader and give you some guidance as to how you can get started.

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