
Tag: Engage and Empower Learners

Road with years listed between yellow lines - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 and beyond
Student-Centered Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Looking Ahead: How to Thrive in (and Beyond) the 2020-21 School Year

What steps can you be taking now to better prepare your students, yourself, and your school district for the future? When you think about the learning environment that your students will need, does it encompass any of the principles of student-centered learning?

two hands pushing puzzle pieces together
Student-Centered Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Increasing Learner Agency Through Continuous Monitoring of Student Needs

Student-centered learning is about more than just putting students at the center of education. It is about giving each student the opportunity for success. It is about designing learning to be flexible and adaptable for each learner, not just the average student. It is about understanding the whole child—what they need both academically and non-academically—and giving students the skills they need for success within and beyond the classroom.

Student-Centered Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

Competency-Based Progression: Designed for Student Success

As we transition into another school year faced with many uncertainties, maybe it doesn’t make sense to try and get back to “normal.” Maybe the need for learning continuity and remote learning actually provides us with an opportunity to look at teaching and learning differently. Maybe this is an opportunity to rethink what we know and believe education to be. Maybe this is an opportunity to make learning more student-centered.

Student-Centered Learning
Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

How Implementing Voice & Choice Can Improve Student Engagement

Schools will look different this fall, there’s no doubt. However, the need to rapidly adopt virtual learning is no longer an emergency. We knew it was coming. So what can we do differently this time?

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