
Why Choose An Online Homeschool Program For Your Child?

father helping daughter with homework on her laptop
Online learning allows homeschoolers to study foreign languages, take advanced coursework, and learn in a safe environment. In this article, we walk through some of the top reasons parents choose to supplement their child's homeschool education with online programs and offer tips for parents considering this option.

Homeschooling opens the door to so many wonderful educational opportunities.

Not bound by classroom walls, textbooks, and a rigid schedule, the homeschooler can explore subject areas using a variety of approaches.

Even better, hands-on learning, field trips, and community engagement bring to life the study of math, science, English, and social studies.

That same flexibility can mean supplementing a homeschool curriculum with an online program.

While Michigan law requires the study of core subjects noted above, online schooling provides avenues for a child to explore their unique interests and learn at their own pace.

Online schooling offered by trusted educational resources, such as those we offer here at Michigan Virtual, are led by trained online instructors who are available to provide guidance and answer questions.

Online courses cover subjects from advanced programming to world literature

Has your child always loved animals? They may be able to take an online course on veterinary science and the care of animals.

Or, does your teen enjoy crunching numbers and exploring data? Probability and statistics will engage his or her mind with conducting studies, anticipating patterns and employing statistical inference to draw conclusions.

If the fine arts capture your learner’s attention, there’s a broad palette of online programs worth exploring, including art appreciation, history, digital photography and guitar. There are even music appreciation electives that open the mind to new ways of thinking about music.

So, whether it’s studying traditional coursework or exploring new interests, homeschool online programs provide options that enhance and engage the education experience.

Online schooling eases the workload for busy parents of homeschoolers

A trusted education resource is like having the best educators right in your home.

Parents are the first, and often the best teachers of their children. Yet, it’s difficult to be an expert in every subject.

Some excel in mathematics and can discern geometry, trigonometry, and calculus without batting an eye. Others can quote the world’s literary geniuses and speak several languages.

When, however, a subject arises that is unfamiliar or not considered since high school, parents can have confidence in supplementing their homeschool curriculum with an online program.

With many to choose from, here a few helpful tips on selecting the best for you and your homeschooler:

Tip #1

Pick a program with highly qualified instructors who are experts in their subject matter

Tip #2

Make sure this program offers ongoing support when your child has questions or needs support.

Tip #3

Find out if your local school district offers free online courses for homeschool students.

Tip #4

Study the list of courses to make sure Michigan-required courses are offered as well as Advanced Placement classes and career-oriented electives.

Tip #5

Know what grade levels the courses are designed for so you can determine if it’s a K-12 online school or for specific grade levels only.

Tip #6

Ask if the program offers summer enrichment programs so learning doesn’t cool down when the weather heats up.

Tip #7

Check to see if the program has a quality curriculum that has been evaluated by a third-party vendor.

With the right online partner, homeschool students can enjoy a variety of learning opportunities, explore interests, and know that the curriculum will enrich their minds.

Parents have the comfort of knowing they are doing the best for their child by offering them a robust educational experience.

Prepping for college with a homeschooling online program

In addition to offering variety and self-paced learning, online courses help prepare young people for their next steps in life.

Myths regarding the readiness of homeschoolers to enter college just don’t hold up when you consider their experiences and outcomes.

Here are just a few of the advantages of virtual education when it comes to preparing students for college and beyond:

  • Computer skills learned early in life that will be beneficial in the post-secondary environment. Taking online computer courses on topics like programming, cybersecurity, and social media can provide students with a functional knowledge of computers and technology that will benefit them in the future.
  • Time management experienced with self-paced online classes. Homeschoolers are not restricted to one classroom or building, so they learn how to manage their studies, community events, and extracurricular activities.
  • Study skills are as instrumental to homeschoolers as they are to their peers in other education settings. You may choose to seek out online courses specifically designed to strengthen study skills and strategies to increase students’ performance.
  • Openness to new ideas is developed through engagement in a variety of interdisciplinary subjects, such as psychology, hospitality and tourism, and world languages. This is critical to the college-bound teen as they embark on careers, meet new people, and prepare for the modern workforce.

Homeschooling is an investment in a child’s education and future. Complementing a homeschool curriculum with online courses can generate new interests and ideas. 

Supplement a homeschool program with Michigan Virtual online courses taught by highly qualified, state-certified teachers.


Michigan Department of Education. (2019). Nonpublic and Home School.

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Michigan Virtual

Michigan Virtual partners with over 500 Michigan K-12 school districts to provide students with high-quality online courses taught by highly qualified, Michigan-certified teachers and educators with affordable professional development opportunities.

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