This is the first course in a two-semester Accounting course sequence. Accounting is the process of planning, recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial information. The accounting process includes recording financial activities, but accounting is not the same as bookkeeping or recordkeeping. Bookkeeping is only the recording part of the accounting process. Accounting goes much further than just keeping records. Accounting involves analyzing and interpreting a business’s operations to determine its financial well-being and plan its future success. Accounting A is a skills-based course that is of value to all students, whether exploring a career in business or for personal financial needs. Accounting A is an essential course for students who are pursuing a strong background in business, marketing and management. This course covers the complete accounting cycle for a service business organized as a proprietorship, along with journalizing and posting transactions.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 1, (24-25) Trimester 2
- Other
- High School
This is the second course in a two-semester Accounting course sequence. This course is a continuation of Accounting A. In Accounting B, students will expand their knowledge of accounting procedures by working within the structure of a merchandising business organized as a corporation. Competency will be exhibited in completing payroll taxes and reports, special journals and other financial statements.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- Visual & Performing Arts
- High School
In Advanced Drawing, students will be reviewing basic drawing skills and the elements and principles of design, while exploring how they are used in art. Students will also work in-depth with several different types of media and artistic styles in order to define their personal aesthetic and design their own compositions. In each section, students will observe and analyze various artworks to expand their knowledge of art history and develop their personal aesthetic. All projects in this course will be an original composition by the student. After instruction and research, students will be given prompts and guidelines on how to create each project, but the final outcome will be unique to each student. Later in the course, students will participate in either a self- or peer-critique. This is to help students learn to analyze their work and grow as an artist from the input of others. Students will compile and organize their artwork into a digital portfolio.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2
- Science
- High School
This course introduces students to the history and near future of space travel. Students will explore the possibilities of moon bases, Mars colonies, and visiting the outer planets in our solar system and their moons. Students will also discuss important ethical and legal issues around space exploration, such as asteroid mining and war in space. The course gives an expansive view of the technologies, science, and theories that will make far-fetched dreams into realities during the student’s lifetime.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2
- Social Studies
- High School
How have African Americans shaped the culture of the United States throughout history? Tracing the accomplishments and obstacles of African Americans from the slave trade through emancipation, and to the modern African diaspora, you will learn about the political, economic, social, religious, and cultural factors that have influenced African American life. In African American History, you’ll come face to face with individuals who changed the course of history and learn more about slavery, racism, and the Civil Rights Movement. You will also explore how the history of African Americans influences current events today.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2
- Science
- High School
Agriscience Foundations involves the scientific study of agriculture and its local and global impact. Students will dive into agricultural history, learn about scientific and research concepts that drive the field, animal and plant systems, as well as the effects of agriculture on the environment. This course also teaches about career opportunities available in the field and how students can promote themselves to land a dream job. Specialized lab activities provide students the hands-on practice needed to master the content.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2
- Mathematics
- High School
This course covers one full year of high school Algebra 1 credit, using similar lesson content and assessments found in our standard Algebra 1A and 1B courses, but it employs three elements of a competency-based learning model. (1) It aligns assessments to relevant Michigan content standards for high school mathematics as well as to objective competency statements adopted by Michigan Virtual, permitting users to better realize the relationship between a given assessment and Michigan’s math standards. (2) It promotes learning for mastery, permitting multiple avenues and additional attempts at assessing competency, allowing students to show growth over time. For example, students will be assessed on most Algebra 1 competencies within the first half of the course and provided additional instruction and assessment opportunities on each competency in later units. On average, each competency will be assessed in six of the nine units of instruction. (3) It utilizes the Learning Outcomes features in our learning management system to report student performance on mathematical skill competencies as well as select Portrait of a Learner competencies, while also providing an overall score (a final percentage of total points earned in the course) for transcript purposes. This advanced reporting allows users to easily identify when students have mastered Michigan’s math standards. Students are encouraged to work with and at times meet with their instructor to set goals, remediate skill gaps, and repeat assessments to improve their performance before moving on in the course.
- Offered: (24-25) School Year
- Mathematics
- High School
This course is the first in a two-course sequence. In the course, students will learn about algebraic concepts such as integers, linear equations, inequalities and factoring. As students work through each interactive lesson, they will have the opportunity to complete several self-check activities and journal entries. Ultimately, this course will assist students in developing fundamental algebraic skills that will allow them to use problem-solving strategies in real-world situations as well as using graphing technology to interpret, represent and communicate mathematical concepts.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 2
- Mathematics
- High School
This course is the second in a two-course sequence. In the course, students will learn about algebraic concepts such as integers, linear equations, inequalities and factoring. As students work through each interactive lesson, they will have the opportunity to complete several self-check activities and journal entries. Ultimately, this course will assist students in developing fundamental algebraic skills that will allow them to use problem-solving strategies in real-world situations as well as using graphing technology to interpret, represent and communicate mathematical concepts.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- Mathematics
- High School
This course is the first semester of a full year of Algebra 2. This CCSS-aligned course further develops students’ understanding of algebraic functions and their applications. A major theme is the generalization of concepts and techniques from Algebra 1 and Geometry. Polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and trigonometric functions are studied, and basic properties of complex numbers are introduced. Algebra 2A is the first semester in a two-semester course. In this semester, students will cover functions and polynomials, equations and inequalities, factoring and quadratics, conic sections, and radical and complex numbers.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 2
- Mathematics
- High School
This CCSS-aligned course further develops students’ understanding of algebraic functions and their applications. A major theme is the generalization of concepts and techniques from Algebra 1 and Geometry. Polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and trigonometric functions are studied, and basic properties of complex numbers are introduced. Algebra 2B is the second semester in a two-semester course. In this semester, students will cover dividing and solving polynomials, rational expressions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series, and trigonometric functions, and probability and statistics.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- English Language Arts
- High School
This is the first course in a two-course sequence. Two major themes for this course are “Leadership at Home” and “Leadership in Society.” Students will address several essential questions related to these themes while reading a variety of works by American authors. In addition to major works, students will read short stories and informational texts, engage in poetry analysis, view informational videos, and write for various purposes. Larger writing assignments include an informative essay and a major research project. Students partake in grammar challenges where they learn about grammar concepts and develop a mastery of their use. In addition to building their writing skills, students learn several reading strategies such as how to use graphic organizers to extract important information, take Cornell notes for an informational text or during a lecture, and summarize to monitor comprehension. Furthermore, students will explore several rhetorical devices and strategies like symbolism, dialect, author’s purpose, foreshadowing, persuasive devices, setting and more.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 1, (24-25) Trimester 2
- English Language Arts
- High School
This is the second course in a two-course sequence and has been redesigned to align to the Common Core Standards. Two major themes for this semester are “Becoming My Own Leader” and “Leading Others.” Students will address several essential questions related to these themes while reading a variety of works by American authors. In addition to major works, students will read short stories and informational texts, engage in poetry analysis, view informational videos, and write for various purposes. Larger writing assignments include an argument essay, a narrative essay, and a business email. As a supplement to these assignments, students will partake in grammar challenges where they learn about grammar concepts and develop a mastery of their use. In addition to building their writing skills, students learn several reading strategies such as how to use graphic organizers to extract important information, take Cornell notes for an informational text or during a lecture, and summarize to monitor comprehension. Furthermore, students will explore several rhetorical devices and strategies like characterization, allusion, word choice and diction, setting, symbolism, point of view, and more.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- World Languages
- High School
This is the first course in a two-course sequence and focuses on everyday communication in American Sign Language for the Deaf. It introduces students to the basic signs, techniques, and cultural knowledge, which will support the students to start signing beginning level conversational ASL. Each lesson is built upon a familiar topic such as family, self and friends so that students will find meaningful connection to the lessons. Students will be asked to use various media tools including online resources, online dictionaries, a web cam, and the web-based Video Notes tool in Brightspace in order to record their performance in assignment submissions throughout the course. Students will be producing their own signing videos to demonstrate their learning. The goal of this course is to help develop fundamental ASL skills, and to understand Deafness, knowledge, and interest that students will need to advance to the higher levels of ASL courses.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 1, (24-25) Trimester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- World Languages
- High School
This is the second course in a two-course sequence and focuses on everyday communication in American Sign Language for the Deaf. It continues to introduce students to the basic signs, techniques, and cultural knowledge, which will support the students to start signing beginning level conversational ASL. Topics addressed in the course include information about the Deaf culture, communication problems associated with deaf individuals, and the linguistic heritage of the Deaf community and its influence on our own culture. The online text includes many videos that include role-playing conversations as well as vocabulary. Students will be asked to use various media tools including online resources, online dictionaries, a web cam, and the web-based Video Notes tool in Brightspace in order to record their performance in assignment submissions throughout the course. Students will be producing their own signing videos to demonstrate their learning. The goal of this course is to help develop fundamental ASL skills, and to understand Deafness, knowledge, and interest that students will need to advance to the higher levels of ASL courses.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 1, (24-25) Trimester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- World Languages
- High School
This is the first course of the second year ASL courses and must be taken after the successful completion of the first year ASL courses. This course continues to focus on everyday communication in ASL by introducing students to the basic signs, techniques and culture. To help develop receptive skills without relying on lip movements of the signers, the signing videos will be all “voice off.” To develop expressive skills, students will continue to express their thoughts in signs within the given context in the lessons. Through the introduction to some of the higher ASL techniques such as classifiers and indexing, this second year courses is designed to helps students to develop an understanding that ASL is a visual language that delivers one’s ideas and thoughts using more than the individual signs. Students will be asked to use various media tools including online resources, online dictionaries, a web cam, and the web-based Video Notes tool in Brightspace in order to record their performance in assignment submissions throughout the course. Students will be producing their own signing videos to demonstrate their learning. The goal of this course is to help utilize the fundamental ASL skills and knowledge into simple interpersonal and social interactions.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 1, (24-25) Trimester 2
- World Languages
- High School
This is the second course of the second year of ASL courses. The course continues to focus on useful communication that students should be able to carry out in ASL. Students study the basic signs and phrases, techniques, and cultural nature of the language. This course introduces the students to the new concept of conceptually accurate signing that places emphasis on awareness of differences between ASL and English. Lesson topics shift from the everyday interaction in one’s immediate environment to interactions in the community to help students to build signing skills for obtaining and providing information rather than simply exchanging information. To support students build conceptual accuracy, the lessons stress ASL classifiers; students will be challenged to receptively identify some of the most common classifiers in contexts, and to apply them in their own signing. As a part of culture learning, students will continue to learn more facts about the Deaf culture as well as current and past challenging social issues. The signing videos will be all “voice off” to help develop students’ receptive skills without reading lips. Students will be asked to use various media tools including online resources, online dictionaries, a web cam, and the web-based Video Notes tool in Brightspace in order to record their performance in assignment submissions throughout the course. Students will be producing their own signing videos to demonstrate their learning. The goal of this course is to help utilize the fundamental ASL skills and knowledge into simple interpersonal and social interactions.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- Science
- High School
This course is the first in a two-course sequence. This course presents a fascinating, in-depth exploration of the structure and function of the human body. The course will use a systems approach and will emphasize how organs and body systems work together to carry on complex processes. Concepts and principles will be related to familiar health issues, problems and experiences we face as humans. Upon completion of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of the human body and how its parts work together to maintain the delicate equilibrium of life.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 2
- Science
- High School
This course is the second in a two-course sequence. This course presents a fascinating, in-depth exploration of the structure and function of the human body. The course will use a systems approach and will emphasize how organs and body systems work together to carry on complex processes. Concepts and principles will be related to familiar health issues, problems and experiences we face as humans. Upon completion of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of the human body and how its parts work together to maintain the delicate equilibrium of life.
- Offered: (23-24) Summer, (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2, (24-25) Trimester 3
- Social Studies
- High School
The aim of anthropology is to use a broad approach to gain an understanding of our past, present, future and address the problems humans face in biological, social and cultural life. This course will explore the evolution, similarity and diversity of humankind through time. It will look at how we have evolved from a biologically and culturally weak species to one that has the ability to cause catastrophic change. Exciting online video journeys to different areas of the world will also be presented in the course.
- Offered: (24-25) Semester 1, (24-25) Semester 2