
/ Michigan Virtual Student Policies

Purchasing Terms & Conditions (Student Learning Services)

Note: This policy is in reference to courses provided through Michigan Virtual’s Student Learning Portal (SLP). Separate purchasing terms & conditions apply to customers of our Professional Learning Portal (PLP) and other professional learning services.

These Terms and Conditions apply to all customers purchasing courses from Michigan Virtual’s Student Learning Portal. All customers must acknowledge and accept these Terms and Conditions before Michigan Virtual can supply the products/services requested through Michigan Virtual. Submission of any enrollment within the Student Learning Portal (SLP) shall indicate customer’s full understanding and agreement to the prices, refund/credit policies and terms associated with said products/services.

Customer further understands, acknowledges and accepts that:

  • Student(s) will not be granted access to the purchased course(s) by Michigan Virtual staff until either full payment by credit card, or a Purchase Order or Consortium payment method has been selected in the SLP by eligible customers.
  • Parents must pay by credit card. Student(s) will not be granted access to the course(s) until payment has been received and processed.
  • Schools and other education service providers should refer to the Purchase Order and Consortium Order section below for details on invoicing and payment.

Completion Standard

Michigan Virtual has established that enrollments earning 60% or more of the total course points are considered a course completion. If a district cannot accept Michigan Virtual’s stated course completion of 60% or more of the total course points, then the district is advised to not enroll students in Michigan Virtual courses.

Drop and Refund Policy

The Michigan Virtual drop and refund policy recognizes that class scheduling often requires some flexibility. As such, Michigan Virtual provides a full refund on enrollments that are dropped on or before the Drop for Refund End date as published in our enrollment calendar. Our policy also recognizes that Michigan Virtual incurs licensing, instructional, and other expenses at the time a refund end date is reached. As such, customers that withdraw a student after the refund deadline date are charged the full cost of the enrollment. Michigan Virtual does not provide a refund for enrollments that are dropped or withdrawn after a refund date.

Refund Deadline Date

Please refer to the Michigan Virtual Enrollment Calendar(s) for specific refund deadline dates for Semester, Trimester and Summer terms. In Semester and Trimester terms, the refund date is specific to the selected class start date. For Essentials and Open Entry-Fixed End terms, the refund dated is calculated as 14 days from the enrollment creation date. Enrollments that are dropped prior to the refund deadline will have a status of Dropped_Grace and a refund entry will be made in the school or student ledger. Enrollments that are dropped after the refund deadline will have a status of Dropped, and no refund will processed.


Customers that drop an enrollment after the refund deadline date will be charged the full cost of the enrollment. Michigan Virtual does not provide a refund for enrollments that are dropped after the enrollment’s refund deadline date.

Refund Payments

Customers paying with credit card will be refunded by Michigan Virtual within 30 calendar days from the date that a course is dropped, provided that the drop was made before the refund deadline date. Customers that use a purchase order, including those participating in a Consortium, will only pay for actual enrollments at the time of invoice. Any enrollments with a status of “Dropped_Grace” will not be included on an invoice, therefore eliminating any need for a refund payment.

School Purchase Orders and Consortium Orders

Customers that use a Purchase Order or Consortium Order with Michigan Virtual will be invoiced for each enrollment after refund deadline dates have passed. The customer will be invoiced for all enrollments, excluding those with a status of “Dropped_Grace.” Payment is due within 30 calendar days from the date of the invoice. Failure to issue timely payment to Michigan Virtual may result in suspension of enrollment rights and/or removal of students from classes for whom payment has not been received.


In accordance with Michigan’s State School Aid Act, Michigan Virtual offers student courses as part of its effort to serve as a statewide laboratory and quality model of instruction for implementing virtual learning solutions. As such, it is possible that research will be conducted on a course in which students are enrolled or on students’ online experience. Non-personally identifiable data will be shared with researchers for these purposes. If for any reason a student does not want to participate in research activities or does not want his or her data to be used for research purposes, please send an email at any time to [email protected]. In that email, please include the student’s first and last name, the email address the student uses when signing into the Student Learning Portal, as well as a sentence indicating that the student does not want to participate in research activities. Please use “Research” in the subject line of the email. A student’s participation in research is voluntary and there is no penalty if a student does not want to participate.