
Online Lessons with Littles – Engagement

What, Why, How. These are the three most important questions that we need our youngest students to understand when it comes to their own distance learning. This resource-packed course will provide you with a path forward in engaging your pre-kindergarten through kindergarten students. You will gain tips on maintaining personal connections, building and fostering your students’ social-emotional and cognitive skills, prioritizing family interactions, and using technology to enhance learning. You will also have opportunities to connect with others to share what has worked (and what hasn’t).

In this course, you will:

  • Explore activities that integrate important aspects of play to foster student interactions and connections,
  • Identify ways to create space for family involvement through virtual field trips and meetups,
  • Determine how to use age appropriate technology to enhance instruction and communication with littles, and
  • Discuss strategies you use in your own classroom or what you might incorporate in the future to engage students online.

Online Lessons with Littles: An Overview is strongly recommended as a precursor to this course, but not required.

Who should take this course?


What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
Lower Elementary