
French 1A

In French 1A, students will begin their language-learning journey by gaining the skills needed to talk about themselves and the world around them. The theme for the course is Ma vie (My Life). Students will learn to introduce themselves, share some basic personal information, talk about their family and friends, discuss what they like to do for fun, and describe their daily routine at home and school. Throughout the course, students will follow along on the fictional journey of three students learning French, seeing them in school, at home, and in other parts of their daily lives. French 1A is the first semester of a two-semester course. The class takes a proficiency-based approach, which is informed by current language acquisition research and the ACTFL performance descriptors for novice language learners. A heavy focus is placed on meaningful language use, with grammar being learned implicitly through input and meaning-based activities.

Terms Offered

(23-24) Summer
(24-25) Semester 1
(24-25) Semester 2
(24-25) Trimester 1
(24-25) Trimester 2

NCAA Approved?


Course Type



American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Michigan World Language Standards and Benchmarks