
Sometimes choices between right and wrong are obvious. But what happens when you’re faced with a situation that’s not so clear-cut? In this course, students will learn to anticipate and address ethical dilemmas that come up in a business setting. They will examine how humans have understood ethics over the years and what matters most in the business world today. Students will investigate actual scenarios and apply all they’ve learned to addressing these complicated ethical dilemmas. By the end, students will have developed their ability to work through challenging situations using their own moral imagination. Students will also have a variety of role models, lessons learned from ethical scandals, and ethical skills to draw upon when they face these challenges in real life.

Terms Offered

(24-25) Semester 1
(24-25) Semester 2
(24-25) Trimester 2
(24-25) Trimester 3

NCAA Approved?

Not Applicable

Course Type



National CTE Knowledge & Skill Statements: The Common Career Technical Core