
New education research clearinghouse for K-12 blended and online learning released

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The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, a division of the Michigan Virtual, today announced the launch of the new Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning, to house the latest research examining breakthrough models and trends in blended and online learning.

“This research clearinghouse offers a complete picture of innovative instructional models and practices for blended and online teaching and learning for personalizing K-12 education,” said Dr. Kathryn Kennedy, iNACOL’s Director of Research. “It provides a wealth of information for researchers, policymakers and education leaders exploring all aspects of blended and online learning as they consider implementing next generation learning models for students and teachers.”

“The launch of the clearinghouse represents an important next step in moving the K-12 research community forward and making research more accessible to the general public,” said Dr. Joe Freidhoff, Director of MVLRI. “We believe the accelerating growth of K-12 online learning must be accompanied by a similar trajectory of scholarship and are excited to be partnering with iNACOL to share this work.”

This Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning project evolved from the University of Florida’s Virtual School Clearinghouse and has been made possible by generous financial support from Next Generation Learning Challenges and a collaborative partnership between iNACOL and the Michigan Virtual.

For more information on the Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning, please visit

About Michigan Virtual

Michigan Virtual is a private, nonprofit Michigan corporation established by the State of Michigan in 1998 to serve as a champion for online learning. It is the parent organization of the Michigan Virtual for Students and Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.

About the International Association for K-12 Online Learning

iNACOL is a nonprofit organization focusing on research, developing policy for student-centered education to ensure equity and access, developing quality standards for emerging learning models using online, blended, and competency-based education, and supporting the ongoing professional development of classroom, school, and district leaders for new learning models. To learn more about iNACOL, please visit


About Michigan Virtual

Michigan Virtual is a nonprofit educational organization that is leading and collaborating to build learning environments for tomorrow. Driven by student success, we have a strong record of supporting Michigan education that spans more than two decades. While many know us for our research-based, quality online learning options for students and professional development for educators, we also do a great deal of work behind the scenes to conduct original research, test innovations in learning, and provide consulting partnerships to promote effective practices. Education is changing faster than ever. Discover new models and resources to move learning forward at
