
Violence in the Workplace

Unfortunately, workplace violence is a real, significant threat to workers’ health and safety, even in a school setting. This proactive course will teach you the major causes and types of workplace violence, their warning signs, and how to prevent it. You will learn to identify violence in the workplace, and the methods used to counteract it, as recommended by OSHA and other sources.

In this course, you will:

  • Identify types of workplace violence and high-risk occupations,
  • Learn the warning signs and symptoms of possible violence, and
  • Review scenarios to learn how to handle certain situations, to prevent escalation, and to stay safe.

This course is offered in partnership with Safety Skills. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy.

Who should take this course?

Support Staff

What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
High School
Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary

Course Partner

Course Vendor
