
OTL Level 1 – Grading and Feedback

Assessing student work and giving feedback is fundamental for educators in any classroom setting. In this course, you’ll uncover the essentials of managing a gradebook and providing high-quality feedback in the online classroom. You’ll explore gradebook setup options, feedback best practices, tools, and effective grading policies to enhance your instructional practice. As the fifth of eight courses in the Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) Level 1 series, you’ll be on your way to earning a badge for each course and, ultimately, achieving the OTL Level 1 Mastery badge.

In this course, you will:

  • Identify definitions and components of instructional best practices for grading tools, gradebook setup, and feedback tools.
  • Describe strategies for fair and consistent grading that is meaningful and actionable.
  • Reflect on your experience with tools for grading and feedback.
  • Analyze and rewrite a feedback sample based on identified strengths and weaknesses.
  • Provide an example of student feedback based on best practice strategies from the module.

SCECHs Granted


Who should take this course?

Support Staff

What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
High School
Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary


OTL Level 1 - Grading and Feedback

Course Vendor

Michigan Virtual