
OTL Level 1 – Discussion Boards

Engaging students in discussions is essential for fostering understanding and critical thinking in both face-to-face and online settings. In this course, you’ll explore the skillful design and facilitation of discussion boards as online assessment and interaction tools, including setup, formatting, student interaction management, netiquette, and problem-solving strategies. As the sixth of eight courses in the Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) Level 1 series, you’ll be on your way to earning a badge for each course and, ultimately, achieving the OTL Level 1 Mastery badge.

In this course, you will:

  • Identify definitions and components of instructional best practices for designing and facilitating engaging discussions.
  • Analyze discussion board scenarios and develop a response including your rationale.
  • Create a discussion board prompt encouraging higher-order thinking skills and student-to-student communication and explain your rationale.
  • Create an artifact to communicate instructor expectations for student participation and engagement on discussion board assignments and explain your rationale.
  • SCECHs Granted


    Who should take this course?

    Support Staff

    What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

    Early Childhood
    High School
    Lower Elementary
    Middle School
    Upper Elementary


    OTL Level 1 - Discussion Boards

    Course Vendor

    Michigan Virtual