
Japanese 1A

This is the first course in a two-course sequence and focuses on the most widely used Japanese syllabic writing system (Hiragana) and greetings and phrases used in everyday communication and contemporary Japanese cultures. Lessons are built upon familiar topics such as self, family, school, and friends to provide meaningful contexts to develop everyday conversation skills. Each lesson is designed to help students learn Hiragana gradually through decoding words and reading to speak conversational expressions. The course includes audio and video learning objects to demonstrate native Japanese speaker’s pronunciation, which supports students in building their interpersonal and interpretive fluency in Japanese. This course targets the Novice Level of MI World Language Standards and Benchmarks.

Terms Offered

(23-24) Summer
(24-25) Semester 1
(24-25) Semester 2
(24-25) Trimester 1
(24-25) Trimester 2

NCAA Approved?


Course Type



Michigan World Language Standards and Benchmarks