American Film Survey is an exciting journey through what is arguably this country’s most influential and beloved art form: cinema. Among the classic film genres examined are film noir, western, comedy, military, epic, psychological drama and independent film. Through viewing, theory and written critique, the student follows the evolution of cinema within the context of our culture and history. Prominent directors and actors both contemporary and past are also highlighted. The culmination of this course prepares the student for more advanced film studies, promotes the development of written expression and analysis and encourages critical thinking with regard to the relationship between popular art and society.
Terms Offered
(24-25) Semester 1
(24-25) Semester 2
(24-25) Trimester 1
(24-25) Trimester 2
(24-25) Trimester 3
NCAA Approved?
Not Approved
Course Type
Common Core State Standards-ELA