
Equity in Online Learning for Multilingual Students

Courses marked as free are created for use by Michigan educators.

Multilingual learners bring a wealth of knowledge and experiences to the classroom that can be honed to advance language acquisition and benefit your other students as well. This course demonstrates how K-12 general education teachers can support emergent bilingual or multilingual English learners in online or hybrid contexts. These modules will outline current research in language acquisition, how to honor the linguistic and cultural skill sets of students, Universal Design for Learning online, how to create inclusive digital environments, and strategies for oral language development.

In this course, you will:

  • Understand the strengths and needs of different groups of multilingual learners,
  • Learn how to draw on student funds of knowledge in online/hybrid language lessons,
  • Provide multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression that supports multilingual students,
  • Identify the importance of reducing affective filters for creating inclusive digital communities, and
  • Develop cooperative learning structures to increase oral language development.

This course is offered in partnership with GEERS. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy.

SCECHs Granted


Who should take this course?


What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood

Course Partner

Course Vendor

Michigan Virtual