
Elementary Career Awareness eResources in MeL

Courses marked as free are created for use by Michigan educators.

It’s never too early to introduce young students to the knowledge, skills, and career options available to them in the future. The Michigan eLibrary (MeL) offers tons of eResources designed to help elementary students explore their passions and career options they never knew existed. In this course, you’ll discover free resources available to you and your students through MeL, such as access to eBooks, digital images, magazines, professional journals, video clips, and more. You’ll also explore a curated collection of resources for introducing career awareness to elementary students.

In this course, you will:

  • Recognize the “what, why, and how” of the Michigan eLibrary and its eResources.
  • Explore free eResources aligned to elementary career awareness.
  • Identify opportunities to use and share the content available in eResources with students or staff.
  • Consider ways to integrate these resources into your educational practice.

Who should take this course?


What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary

Course Vendor

Michigan Virtual