
AP Physics 2 (Sem 1)

AP Physics 2 (Sem 1) is an introductory college-level physics course designed to simulate the rigor and skills needed for a first year college course. The course is algebra based and the topics of study include thermodynamics, electrostatics, electric circuits, magnetism, mechanical waves, sound, and physical optics. This course also has a laboratory requirement which will be met with hands-on labs along with online simulations. The labs will be inquiry-based to provide students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills along with applying the science practices. This course does not include the AP exam; students can contact their school’s AP coordinator or guidance counselor to sign up for the exam. In order to maintain the integrity of AP standards, all AP course midterm and final exams must be proctored.

Terms Offered

(24-25) Semester 1

NCAA Approved?


Course Type

Advanced Placement


College Board: AP Course Topics and Objectives