
Why online learning can be liberating for students with IEP and 504 plans

Why Online Learning Can Be Liberating for Students with IEP and 504 Plans (feat. Lisa Rohde from Michigan Virtual)
Meet Lisa Rohde, special education and instructional support manager at Michigan Virtual, who shares some of the pros and cons of online learning for students requiring accommodations.

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This past year, many students and their families struggled with a transition to fully remote learning. This held particularly true for students with IEP and 504 plans, who, on top of learning in a new way, also had their own unique needs that had to be met in order for them to be successful.

Although, of course, it’s highly dependent on the student’s personal situation, an asynchronous online environment CAN actually be liberating to some students with IEP and 504 plans.

This week on the BRIGHT podcast, I chat with Lisa Rohde, special education and instructional support manager at Michigan Virtual, who helps me understand:

  • How an IEP or 504 plan might look different in a face-to-face vs. online setting
  • The pros and cons of online learning for students requiring accommodations
  • Examples of students who might thrive in an online learning environment

You can listen to our conversation using the audio player above or read the transcript.

Here’s a sneak peek at our conversation:

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Picture of Nikki Herta

Nikki Herta

Nikki’s love for writing, editing and pedagogy brought her to Michigan Virtual as their Content Creator/Editor. A Michigan native, she studied writing at Grand Valley State University before continuing on to the University of Minnesota for her master’s degree. While there, she also taught first-year writing to college freshman. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, playing table-top board games, and curling up in front of the fireplace with a good book and her sassy, ancient cat, Princess Eugene.

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