
Podcast: Why the Same Learning Model Won’t Work for Every School with Adam Rubin

Why The Same Learning Model Won’t Work For Every School With Adam Rubin - Michigan Virtual Podcast Blog

Adam Rubin is a Founder and Partner with 2Revolutions, an education design lab. In this episode, we chat with Adam about his organization’s approach to supporting schools, districts, and education agencies to clarify goals for student learning, identify the barriers that are in the way, and use the design lab model to design and test methods that help make the shift happen. Rather than coming with the method in hand, Adam shares his view that it’s important to build solutions around the local context.

Here are some notes about the episode:

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Michigan Virtual partners with over 500 Michigan K-12 school districts to provide students with high-quality online courses taught by highly qualified, Michigan-certified teachers and educators with affordable professional development opportunities.

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