
K-12 teachers needed for survey about OER

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This request is from a doctoral student who needs teachers who are using OER to fill out a short survey. See her request below.

I am writing to request your participation in a short survey about how K-12 educators use Open Educational Resources in their work. The information gathered will be used to understand how teachers typically apply OER in educational settings. Findings will inform the creation of appropriate instruction for professional development and teacher education geared toward the adoption of OER in planning, classroom use, and personal educational needs of current and future teachers.

The survey should take 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Participation in the survey is voluntary and no personally identifiable information will be collected to ensure confidentiality.

If you have any questions about this study, please contact Hope Kelly at [email protected] or 352-294-1998. For information regarding your rights as a research participant contact University of Florida’s Institutional Review Board at [email protected] or 352-392-0433.

Your time and insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

The Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute (MVLRI) is a non-biased organization that exists to expand Michigan’s ability to support new learning models, engage in active research to inform new policies in online and blended learning, and strengthen the state’s infrastructures for sharing best practices. MVLRI works with all online learning environments to develop the best practices for the industry as a whole.

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