eLearn Magazine is looking for articles in the area of K-12 blended and online learning. Today’s changing education landscape increasingly includes K-12 online and blended learning in partnership with K-12 virtual schools and other educational agencies, and these approaches are transforming the education system.
This column invites forward thinking in next generation learning that expands beyond yesterday’s receptive uniform designs of education to envision personalized anytime anywhere models. Articles will contribute to the growing knowledge in preparing for next generation learning that emphasizes student-centered, personalized instruction, and provides increased opportunities for student-student communication and collaboration. There will also be considerable emphasis on innovative strategies for using technologies to transform learning environments as well as how to prepare teachers and leaders to build and facilitate these environments. eLearn Magazine welcomes international perspectives and encourages work that provides contrast to how education works in the United States. This means articles can but do not have to be transferable to a U.S. context.
Readership includes providers and consumers of online learning, particularly instructional designers, educators (both scholastic and corporate), and corporate trainers and managers. Please assume that readers know that eLearning is a growing and interesting field. Begin article with the most interesting idea that your article is adding to the field.
eLearn’s newsletter has 9,400 monthly subscribers. Below are some statistics on readership for 2013:
- 452,600 unique visitors
- 1,082,462 page views
- 2,435,233 article downloads
Co-chairs of K-12 Online Learning Section of eLearn
Kathryn Kennedy
Senior Researcher, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, Michigan Virtual
Cathy Cavanaugh
Director of Teaching and Learning in Worldwide Education, Microsoft
Keryn Pratt
Doctoral and Distance Programmes Coordinator, Centre for Distance Education and Learning Technologies, University of Otago College of Education
Submission Guidelines
Submit proposals and/or completed articles to Kathryn Kennedy at [email protected]. If submitting a full article, it should be in APA format in a Word Document, with tables and graphics embedded in the document. It is a rolling deadline, so there are no specific due dates for articles. Also, there is no need to blind articles.