
Podcast: Failure-free Failing

Campfire Podcast: Erin Mastin

As we get deeper into our podcast adventure, we are feeling fortunate to have the opportunity to converse with fantastic educators and get a glimpse into how learning happens in their classrooms or schools. This week was no different. So, per the usual, here are a few links to things we chatted about around this week’s campfire:

  • We got off to a good start by chatting about Jeff and I’s summer camp experiences as kids.
  • We shared how we are majorly digging on Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms — really the whole Google Suite of tools, but also add-ons like AutoCrat and Flubaroo, too.

In our conversation with Erin Mastin, we discussed:

  • The #michED Twitter Chat and how that deepened her interest in competency-based learning and this article that explains competency-based learning.
  • Integrating STEM activities into her 3rd-grade curriculum and how that’s benefited both her and her students!
  • How she and her 3rd-grade team are approaching the growth mindset in her “mistake-making classroom.”
  • How to further engage students in their own learning through data, goals and even a few fun incentives!
  • We quizzed Erin on her Alma Mater — Michigan State University! Of 7 questions, she got 4 right — but don’t worry, she just knows she can grow a little more to get 7/7 next time!

Next, we brought in our very own Kelli Hixon to talk about competency-based learning and asked her to share her experiences and knowledge from her previous role as a teacher/coach in a competency-based school district.

And just in case you missed it, we’re still offering to send you swag if your #CampfireQ was chosen for the show! You can Tweet it, post it on Facebook or Instagram, or even find us on Snapchat — Erin (Twitter, Snapchat) and Jeff (Twitter, Snapchat) and ask questions there!

As always, if you want to subscribe, check us out on iTunes, Google Play Music and SoundCloud! Just a quick note — Campfire is made possible by Zencastr; podcasters, check out Zencastr to record your remote guests in high quality!

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The Digital Backpack

The Digital Backpack, powered by Michigan Virtual, is a podcast dedicated to sharing tips and tricks for teachers as they navigate their journey through online and blended learning. Join the host Jeff Gerlach as he discovers new tools and resources for classroom use, talks to practitioners who are doing great things with their students, and has some fun!

The Digital Backpack

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