
Podcast: Talking Marginalia with Rachelle

Campfire Podcast: Rachelle Wynkoop

Thanks so much for tuning into the show and checking out the show notes! We appreciate YOU! In our 5th episode, we got into some deep conversations with Rachelle Wynkoop surrounding literacy, explored a new tool for us that linked up with the tips Rachelle gave us and talked about finding the balance between digital and paper reading. Here’s the notes:

  • We chatted about our favorite grades to teach and why!
  • We’re digging … BOUNCE! The Bounce app is a quick annotation tool that allows you to capture a website screenshot, annotate over certain sections (or what Bounce calls “rad feedback”) and easily share!

Our dear friend Rachelle connected with us and shared some amazing insights into:

  • Her feelings about MSU/U of M rivalries with Erin Mastin. She even included a shout out to Tara Maynard!
  • How to prepare your school for a bond — what research and considerations (like adding devices and their impact on classroom management) to have in mind and this cool website to help you and/or your district with that process.
  • How our brain really reads digitally through this article by Maria Konnikova.
  • Digital literacy as a whole and how we can encourage our students to be better online readers by using marginalia and other great strategies (like allowing students to struggle).
  • Finding the balance between digital and face-to-face experiences in terms of literacy.
  • What we’re really missing when it comes to formative assessment.

Rachelle even competed in some U of M trivia (after her dear friend/college rivalry Erin tried her hand at MSU trivia in the last episode) and got 5 out of 7 correct! That makes Rachelle the winner!

  • We discussed our own #campfireQ of trying to strike the balance between digital and paper reading and talked out our perspectives and what we’d do if we were still in classroom.
  • And just in case you missed it, we’re still offering to send you swag if your #CampfireQ was chosen for the show! You can Tweet it, post it on Facebook or Instagram, or even find us on Snapchat — Erin (TwitterSnapchat) and Jeff (TwitterSnapchat) and ask questions there!
  • As always, if you want to subscribe, check us out on  iTunesGoogle Play Musicand SoundCloud! Just a quick note — Campfire is made possible by Zencastr; podcasters, check out Zencastr to record your remote guests in high quality!
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The Digital Backpack

The Digital Backpack, powered by Michigan Virtual, is a podcast dedicated to sharing tips and tricks for teachers as they navigate their journey through online and blended learning. Join the host Jeff Gerlach as he discovers new tools and resources for classroom use, talks to practitioners who are doing great things with their students, and has some fun!

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