
Calling all instructional designers in K-12 online learning programs

Assorted Electronics on table

A Capella University Ph.D. candidate is seeking research participants for a telephone-based study concerning the use of Instructional Strategies in the development of virtual courses designed for a high school audience.

The study is entitled, “Understanding Ways Instructional Designers of High School Level Virtual Courses Bridge Transactional Distances Between Learners and Course Content.”

Instructional designers who are currently involved in the development of virtual high school level courses in the United States and Canada and who have already designed at least two previous courses currently in use by high school level students are invited to contact Rozella G. Clyde, the researcher, at [email protected] or at 917-355-4451.

If you meet the preliminary requirements, you will be invited to complete a brief questionnaire describing your work context and the type of course you are currently working on. It is hoped that at least 14 instructional designers working in a variety of contexts and a range of content matter can be identified. The interview process will require less than an hour of the participant’s time. Each participant will receive a transcript of the interview to edit and approve. The research will be offered as guidance on current practices and approaches for others developing new virtual high school courses.

As a token of appreciation, upon receipt of the approved transcript, a $ 25.00 Amazon gift card will be sent to you.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

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Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute

The Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute (MVLRI) is a non-biased organization that exists to expand Michigan’s ability to support new learning models, engage in active research to inform new policies in online and blended learning, and strengthen the state’s infrastructures for sharing best practices. MVLRI works with all online learning environments to develop the best practices for the industry as a whole.

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