With the goal of creating new and innovative learning programs for K-12 students and teachers, Michigan Virtual entered a joint venture with the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA).
Michigan Virtual President & CEO Jamey Fitzpatrick and MICPA President & Chief Executive Officer Peggy Dzierzawski, CAE, established the general guiding principles of the collaboration, which are to provide an innovative pathway for middle and high school students to access quality online courses that introduce students to basic accounting principles and concepts. In addition, the exciting career opportunities in the accounting profession will be explored.
As lead partners in this strategic alliance, Michigan Virtual and MICPA are committed to providing highly interactive, engaging and relevant online accounting courses for high school students.
“MICPA has an active high school student outreach and recruitment program, including its very popular High School Leaders Conferences which attract hundred of high school students from across Michigan,” Fitzpatrick said. “We are excited about the opportunity this relationship will bring to Michigan school students to imagine the possibilities of what an accounting career has to offer.”
“Michigan Virtual offers students a rich collection of online career resources and tools which support the state’s graduation requirement,” Dzierzawski said. “Collaborating with a forward thinking organization like Michigan Virtual to develop these new on-line courses offers students a unique opportunity to experience accounting from a different perspective than what is taught in the traditional classroom setting.”
As a result of this industry/association/education partnership, students will learn foundations of accounting, explore accounting career pathways in businesses of all sizes and apply accounting skills in a simulated environment. The results of the partnership will expand the current Michigan Virtual for Students course catalog which includes Personal Finance, Career Planning and Business Ethics.
About Michigan Virtual
Michigan Virtual is a private, nonprofit Michigan corporation established by the State of Michigan in 1998 to serve as a champion for online learning. It is the parent organization of the Michigan Virtual for Students and Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.
About Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants
MICPA, with 18,000 members, is the leading statewide professional organization dedicated to promoting and enhancing the value of the CPA profession and represents Michigan CPAs working in business, education, government and public accounting. To learn more visit MICPA at www.michcpa.org.