Michigan Virtual and the University of Detroit Mercy are teaming up to train the next generation of online educators by providing UDM teacher education students the opportunity to experience online teaching at various levels of instruction.
Michigan Virtual online instructors will provide a student teaching like experience to UDM education students who enroll in “Advanced Instructional Technology/Teaching in the Virtual Environment,” a course UDM will offer this summer to undergraduate and graduate students.
This course is designed to meet the challenge of preparing teachers to successfully engage students in successfully delivering content in the online environment. Face-to-face sessions will be combined with hands-on teaching experience in virtual classrooms through Michigan Virtual for Students, Michigan’s state-sponsored virtual school.
“I applaud the University of Detroit Mercy for taking the initiative to introduce educators to online and blended learning environments,” said Jamey Fitzpatrick, President & CEO of Michigan Virtual. “Increasingly individuals pursuing a career in the teaching profession will need a practical understanding of instructional strategies and techniques in the world of online learning.”
Both pre-service (undergraduates) and certified teachers will have the opportunity to explore teaching in the virtual setting in this course. Theoretical principles in online teaching and learning will be integrated with instructional technologies to design and implement various aspects of online teaching in the participant’s specialized content area.
“University of Detroit Mercy’s Teacher Education Program is so excited to enhance the skills of our teacher candidates by collaborating with Michigan Virtual,” said Lorri J MacDonald, Ed. D., Chair, Department of Education, University of Detroit Mercy. “This is truly a win-win arrangement. Michigan Virtual teachers win by gaining experience in mentoring teacher candidates. UDM teacher candidates win by gaining experience in teaching with the latest embedded technology. Michigan students win by learning from 21st-century skilled teachers in their classrooms. It doesn’t get any better than that!”
This course is the second step in an Michigan Virtual-UDM effort to acquaint teacher education students with the challenges of teaching online. The relationship began last fall when three UDM pre-service students participated in a six-week online job shadowing experience with Michigan Virtual online instructors.
Earlier this year, six more students completed the shadowing experience. Students who enroll in this course will be entered into online courses with Michigan Virtual teachers as guest teachers and will have the opportunity to interact with high school students in Michigan Virtual for Students courses.
The course will be offered from May 6 – June 22. Full-time educators who enroll in this course are eligible for a 60 percent discount on tuition. Students interested in the course should call 313-578-0401 for more information. Students must receive instructor approval prior to enrollment.
About Michigan Virtual
Michigan Virtual is a private, nonprofit Michigan corporation established by the State of Michigan in 1998 to serve as a champion for online learning. It is the parent organization of the Michigan Virtual for Students and Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.