
OTL Level 2 – Term Management

Online learning may offer learners flexibility in their term length and time spent “in class”. While offering diverse learning options caters to student’s individual needs, it simultaneously burdens online instructors to navigate and manage these variances. This module delves into the intricacies of overseeing course terms, exploring strategies for providing flexibility to students while ensuring that instructors can uphold reasonable workloads. From term length and course start/end dates to managing graduating seniors, addressing final grades, and implementing end-of-term policies, we’ll break down the essential components of term management to equip online teachers with comprehensive insights and practical approaches. As the fourth of eight courses in the Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) Level 2 series, you’ll be on your way to earning a badge for each course and, ultimately, achieving the OTL Level 2 Mastery badge.

In this course, you will:

  • Identify definitions and components of term management in the online classroom
  • Develop a comprehensive end of course policy that can be shared with students and stakeholders
  • Identify and reflect on your experience with strategies used to address challenges related to term management

SCECHs Granted


Who should take this course?

Support Staff

What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
High School
Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary


OTL Level 2 - Term Management

Course Vendor

Michigan Virtual