
HIPAA Compliance Training

Understanding and adhering to HIPAA regulations is essential for school staff, as it ensures the privacy and security of students’ protected health information. In this course, you will gain a solid understanding of standard HIPAA terminology, concepts, and disclosure practices while learning the consequences of unauthorized disclosure of protected health information. By the end of the course, you will be better prepared to navigate the complexities of HIPAA and protect the privacy of the students and families you serve.

In this course, you will:

  • Identify HIPAA terminology, concepts, and disclosure practices.
  • Determine what information is protected by the HIPAA Privacy Rule and in what cases health information may be disclosed.
  • Recognize your rights and responsibilities regarding HIPAA under state and federal laws.

Who should take this course?

Child Care Provider
Support Staff

What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
High School
Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary

Course Vendor

Michigan Virtual