
MV Skills Sprint: Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

Tackling both synchronous and asynchronous learning methods is common for many teachers today. In this course, you will explore synchronous and asynchronous learning methods, including their key characteristics, benefits, and challenges. Additionally, you will learn practical strategies for leveraging these methods to create engaging and effective educational experiences that support the diverse needs of your students.

In this course, you will:

  • Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous learning methods
  • Explain the benefits and challenges of synchronous and asynchronous learning
  • Identify effective strategies and appropriate technologies to enhance student engagement in both synchronous and asynchronous settings
  • SCECHs Granted


    Who should take this course?

    Child Care Provider
    Support Staff

    What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

    Early Childhood
    High School
    Lower Elementary
    Middle School
    Upper Elementary

    Course Vendor

    Michigan Virtual