
Empowering Students With Disabilities

Reaching and empowering every student is the goal of teaching, but requires differentiated approaches. This real-world based course will show you practical tools and solutions for providing effective support to students with physical or learning disabilities and how to support those students in succeeding in their learning journeys. You will see through simulations and first-hand stories how special needs can affect classroom behavior and education, as well as how to work with parents and professionals to find the best methods for reaching individual students.

In this course, you will:

  • Recognize common disabilities you might encounter in your classroom throughout your teaching career,
  • Relate ideas and success stories from a teacher with a master’s degree in special education to solutions for your classroom,
  • Understand the workings and process of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and
  • Determine how to empower special needs students in your classroom and how doing so will make you a better all-around educator.

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SCECHs Granted


Who should take this course?


What grade level(s) does this course apply to?

Early Childhood
High School
Lower Elementary
Middle School
Upper Elementary

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