This course covers one full year of high school Algebra 1 credit, using similar lesson content and assessments found in our standard Algebra 1A and 1B courses, but it employs three elements of a competency-based learning model. (1) It aligns assessments to relevant Michigan content standards for high school mathematics as well as to objective competency statements adopted by Michigan Virtual, permitting users to better realize the relationship between a given assessment and Michigan’s math standards. (2) It promotes learning for mastery, permitting multiple avenues and additional attempts at assessing competency, allowing students to show growth over time. For example, students will be assessed on most Algebra 1 competencies within the first half of the course and provided additional instruction and assessment opportunities on each competency in later units. On average, each competency will be assessed in six of the nine units of instruction. (3) It utilizes the Learning Outcomes features in our learning management system to report student performance on mathematical skill competencies as well as select Portrait of a Learner competencies, while also providing an overall score (a final percentage of total points earned in the course) for transcript purposes. This advanced reporting allows users to easily identify when students have mastered Michigan’s math standards. Students are encouraged to work with and at times meet with their instructor to set goals, remediate skill gaps, and repeat assessments to improve their performance before moving on in the course.
Terms Offered
(24-25) School Year
NCAA Approved?
Course Type
Common Core State Standards-Math