The new Michigan LearnPort was designed with customer feedback in mind. Here are some of the new features that you’ll be seeing Oct. 3:
- A new, fresh look including a Welcome Page that provides quick and easy access to five main features, including a homepage that allows direct access to your content, a landing page that you define and a choice of seven languages.
- Content from providers like ed2go will be accessed easier than ever to ensure the best user experience possible.
- The need to log in multiple times to take a course will be a thing of the past.
- Help system provides more relevant information and assistance specific to where you are in the system.
- New universal search tool available on every page. The simple and advanced search tools will help locate anything within the system with ease.
- Blogs replace the old threaded discussions and provide more options to share information with public, moderated and private collaboration spaces.
Along with the many positive changes, the new Michigan LearnPort retains many of the benefits and features you’ve come to appreciate, including high-quality courses, the netTrekker educational search tool and various collaboration tools.
- Michigan LearnPort will be inaccessible from Sept. 22 until we launch the new system Oct. 3.
- All course completions will be moved to the new Michigan LearnPort; we won’t bring over any uncompleted courses. Please complete your courses by Sept. 19 to avoid the loss of some of your work.
- If you’re currently in a course taught by an instructor (e.g., Moodle and ed2go courses), your progress will be retained regardless of your completion status.
- For questions about course completions, please contact [email protected].
About Michigan Virtual
Michigan Virtual is a private, nonprofit Michigan corporation established by the State of Michigan in 1998 to serve as a champion for online learning. It is the parent organization of the Michigan Virtual for Students and Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.